I remember where I was when JFK was shot. (yeah…I’m that old) and I remember when I first learned of the internet (I was in the kitchen and my husband showed this amazing ability to enter in a string of numbers on our computer and take me somewhere else)
And now…AI. I had the same chill I experienced when I saw the magic of the internet. It wasn’t entirely a good chill…but a chill nonetheless.
Everyone I saw had a different take on the subject. A core group of us began traveling to teach about AI an the law- John Washington,[1] a nationally known appellate and motion practice specialist who assisted me in winning Florida’s first qEEG Daubert challenge, and his brother, David Washington[2], a trial lawyer who specializes in civil rights and employment litigation.
These two young men, partnered with Dr. Oregon K. Hunter, M.D., our medical consultant, began to pave the way towards understanding the reality and limitations of AI in the legal profession.
We have conducted live interviews of visionaries in Los Angeles, Taipei and Haulein City, Tawain as well as Tokyo
We have currently have live interviews scheduled for
If you’d like to be considered for an interview please email us at [email protected]