Welcome to our firm

Lawyers throughout the US consult with Ms. Sims to assist them in cross-examination of expert witnesses.

On a daily basis, Dorothy consults with attorneys throughout the U.S., to provide methods of expert testimony cross-examination. If an attorney requests, Dorothy can depose experts herself. 

Contact Dorothy for a sample analysis.

Dorothy is the author of Exposing the Deceptive Defense Doctor (focused on insurance defense experts), which can be found at James Publishing.

This book is a consistent number one best seller for 3 years in a row.

Dorothy is published in the national journal, Champion Magazine, for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

What We Do

Dr. Hunter

He can be contacted for an initial l5 minute conference at no charge by reaching out to [email protected]

His services include assisting lawyers in depositions, mediations and trial and deposition preparation. He also reviews videos of defense examinations and prepares an analysis highlighting what was misrepresented in the report after reviewing the video. The video review project typically takes 2-4 hours.  For more specific examples or sample work product, feel free to email us. 

Ms. Sims

She provides a wide range of services to work with you, your firm, and your case. She and her Office are available to provide a phone or web consult, consult with Dr. Oregon Hunter, cross examine an opposing expert, and research an expert’s background/resume.

Please be aware that Dorothy schedules on a first come, first serve basis. Securing a deposition date or consult appointment in advance is imperative. Dorothy can usually schedule a phone or web consult with 1-2 weeks’ notice; while a deposition usually requires at least 3-4 weeks’ notice. A research project takes approximately 30 days to complete, although rush packages are available.

Dorothy may attend depositions with medical consultants.  However, under no circumstance will she do so unless it is announced on the record prior to any testimony.  She also requests notice of potential expert attendance in the notice of deposition.

If you would like to contact Dorothy directly, click here. If you would like to schedule a free 10-15 minute phone conference, contact her office at [email protected] or (352) 816-4517.

Cross Examination

Ms. Sims is available to cross examine defense experts in Florida and throughout the US pending Motion Pro Hac being filed.

She will prepare for deposition, pull exhibits and share material she has on defense experts in question.

Consultation Only

  1. Private in house seminar. Sims is available to  provide seminars to law firms no topics including
    1. How to prove TBI;
    2. Defending DTI
    3. Defending the malingering claim
    4. Proving back injuries
    5. Demystifying neuropsychological tests
    6. Handling the “it all preexisted” claim
  2. Conferences regarding plaintiff’s cases:
    1. How to prove the condition existed;
    2. Proving causation;
    3. How to cross examine the defense expert;
    4. What’s missing in your records and what experts may be needed
  3. Preparing cross examination questions:
    1. Sims takes the report, saves it in word and inserts her suggested questions in red and provides a separate folder with exhibits to be used by your own experts if they agree as well as for cross examination.


She and her Office are available to provide a phone or web consult, consult with Dr. Oregon Hunter, cross examine an opposing expert.

Please be aware that Dorothy schedules on a first come, first serve basis. Securing a deposition date or consult appointment in advance is imperative. Dorothy can usually schedule a phone or web consult with 1-2 weeks’ notice; while a deposition usually requires at least 3-4 weeks’ notice.


Ms. Sims has already given over 350 speeches/seminars throughout the U.S., Canada, Japan, India and France.

She has spoken in 48 states including Hawaii and Alaska and is a frequently sought after speaker for the American Association for Justice. Want her to share her knowledge and experience with your firm or organization? Or do you want to attend one of Dorothy’s seminars scheduled this year? Just contact her here to get the conversation started.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

- Upton Sinclair