Ms. Dorothy Sims provides a wide range of services to work with you, your firm, and your case.
She and her Office are available to provide a phone or web consult, consult with Dr. Oregon Hunter, cross examine an opposing expert.
Please be aware that Dorothy schedules on a first come, first serve basis. Securing a deposition date or consult appointment in advance is imperative. Dorothy can usually schedule a phone or web consult with 1-2 weeks’ notice; while a deposition usually requires at least 3-4 weeks’ notice.
Dorothy may attend depositions with medical consultants. However, under no circumstance will she do so unless it is announced on the record prior to any testimony. She also requests notice of potential expert attendance in the notice of deposition.
If you would like to contact Dorothy directly, click here. If you would like to schedule a free 10-15 minute phone conference, contact her office at [email protected] or (352) 816-4517.
Consult Only Services
Dorothy can usually schedule web or phone consults with a 1-2 weeks’ notice. Her typical consult services include:
- watch the DVD of an opposing expert’s physical, psychological or psychiatric examination.
- compare that examination to the expert’s report and provide feedback to include:
(1) which physical tests the doctor claimed he performed, but were never done;
(2) what abnormal findings existed in the exam and how they were misrepresented;
(3) what the expert should have done and did not;
(4) how the expert misrepresented the test or exam. - advise your attorney and firm what tests/evaluations may be necessary to help prove your client’s case.
- discuss weaknesses which may exist in your own expert’s report.
Dr. Hunter Consult Services
- Dorothy can also consult with and/or include Dr. Hunter in assessing an opposing counsel’s expert video examination. Typically it takes Dr. Hunter 2-4 hours to:
- review a report authored by the opposing medical expert.
- review the videotape of the exam.
- author a report exposing potential misrepresentations.